Monday, October 31, 2011

Newsletter for October 31, 2011

A brief post...

Word Study: This week's spelling words are: knew, knife, knotted, wrinkle, wrist, writing, knitted, knock, unknown, wren, knee, and wreck. Each word has either the sound /r/, spelled wr, or the sound /n/, spelled kn. In each pair (wr and kn) the first consonant is silent and the second consonant is pronounced. Additional words you may choose to work with (see earlier post regarding at home spelling activities) include: knot, knuckle, wrong, wrap, know, wrapping, write, kneel, knight, knob, jackknife, written, wriggle, writer, wring, penknife, knapsack, knob, wreath, wrench, wristwatch, wrestle, and knuckle. Optional letter formation and spelling practice sheets follow.

 We've been working hard on fluency, utilizing Shel Silverstein poems. Here are a few examples.

Math: We are beginning our third unit in math and will focus on linear measure. Please see the Everyday Math Family Letter below.  

Progress reports will be sent home (mailed for dual households) on Friday. Your conference date and time will appear on your student's progress report. I will also post the schedule on our door. Please note: when it is your conference time, please knock and enter.
Thank you to all of our wonderful room parents for a successful Halloween party. I hope everyone had a safe "howliday."

Please begin collecting items for the Ohio Wildlife Center's visit in February (see earlier post).