Friday, May 9, 2014

Thank You and important dates for May 9, 2014

Thank you for all of the thoughtful gifts this week. I feel very appreciated. In fact I feel I should thank you for the opportunity to serve your students and our wonderful community!

I'm just sharing important dates below, but I'd like to also share a link of the International Space Station's (ISS) live streaming: This is a really neat bird's eye view of the Earth from the ISS and you can listen to the astronauts and scientists discussing research and maintenance.

Next week will be the last week of typical homework. The Invention Convention display board and prototype will serve as homework the last two weeks of May.

Important Dates & Reminders
*I will try to highlight new dates and information with red text.

May 12 -19, 2014: Shoe Drive!  Please send in your slightly used shoes to Mrs. Meyer's (Grade 4) or Mrs. Dobies' (Grade 2) classroom.  The Shoe Drive benefits the Ashe Foundation, an organization that gathers and distributes shoes to aid the disadvantaged and underprivileged children of African nations. 

May 12, 2014: InView assessment. Please avoid appointments and absences.

May 13 - 14, 2014: Terra Nova Reading and Language Arts and Mathematics Assessments. Please avoid appointments and absences.

May 14, 2014: Early Release at 1:15 for professional development

May 20, 21, and 22, 2014: We will eat in the classroom due to the 5th Grade Musical. Please do not pack any tree nuts or peanuts in student lunches. 

May 21, 2014: All library materials are due. Please contact Mrs. Hastings at if you cannot find a lost library item so she can tell you the replacement cost.

May 23, 2014: Invention Convention Display Boards (or posters) due

May 26, 2014: No school: Memorial Day

June 2, 2014: Field Day: Please send your student with old tennis shoes (no flip-flops or Crocs), a swimsuit under athletic clothing (they will get wet), a change of clothes, a towel, sunscreen, and a water bottle.

June 3, 2014: Field Day Rain Date

June 3, 2014: Invention Convention Prototypes due (see below under science)

June 3, 2014: Invention Convention in cafeteria from 10:15 till 11:00. See the Invention Convention Post from earlier this week. 

June 4, 2014: Last day for students

June 5, 2014: Teacher Grading Day