Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Volunteers Background Check

Important Information Regarding Volunteers...

December 2014

Dear Windermere Families,
Student safety is a top priority! Beginning second semester of the 2014-2015 school year, UA Schools will begin requiring background checks for volunteers in certain roles. There is no charge to the volunteer, and the background checks are usually completed within a week. For more information or to begin the background check process, please visit www.uaschools.org/volunteer. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or our district office.

The Upper Arlington School District recognizes that volunteers play an extremely valuable role in the education of our students. At the same time, the district is committed to ensuring safe and secure learning environments. To that end, the district will require background checks for volunteers serving in certain roles beginning second semester (January 21, 2015).

Level one volunteers will not require background checks. Volunteers in this category do not have unsupervised contact with students. Examples of level one volunteer positions include book fair workers and classroom visitors for presentations or celebrations.

Level two volunteers will require background checks. Volunteers in this category take part in activities that may involve unsupervised contact with students. Examples of level two volunteers include a parent who works with small groups of students outside the classroom or someone who may escort students from one location to another within the school or during a field trip. If you think you will be serving in a level-two volunteer position, please visit www.uaschools.org/volunteer to initiate the background check process at your earliest convenience. There is no charge to the volunteer for the background check.

You will be notified via email once the background check is processed, and at that point, you will be asked come to the district’s central office, 1950 North Mallway Drive, to receive your official volunteer identification badge and sign the volunteer form. Background checks and badges must be renewed every three school years.

Additional information on volunteering and the background check process is available online at www.uaschools.org/volunteer. For additional questions, please contact me at 487.5060 or the district’s central office at (614) 487-5000.

Thank you for your understanding and willingness to keep our boys and girls safe.

Most sincerely,

Julie Nolan

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