Friday, September 8, 2017

Newsletter for September 8, 2017

What We Learned This Week

Math Fact Strategies
Mrs. Savage, our Deaf & Hard of Hearing educator, recorded a few math lessons covering how we develop math fact fluency. While it is always very humbling to watch myself, I hope these videos will give you an understanding of how you can support your student. You can click on the following links to watch these lessons. They are not perfect, but no day is:) 

Diversity and Cultural Competency
I was honored to be part of our Windermere team that went through three days of training in diversity and cultural competency. I am excited to bring this important work back to our building to ensure every member of our community is respected, included and supported. 

Important Dates and Reminders
I will highlight changes and new dates in red.

September 2017
13  PTO General Mtg at 7:00 pm in the lounge
13 Walking Wednesday

14 Field Trip 9am-11am Thompson Park Tree Trek. Please email if you can chaperone.
20 Walking Wednesday
21 Fall School Pictures
25 Book Fair Week
27 Early Release 1:00
27 Walking Wednesday
29 Fall Family Fun Night  5:30-7:30 p.m.

October 2017
TBD Third Grade Reading AIR Testing
4  Walking Wednesday
11 Walking Wednesday
9-13 Collection Days for “Box Tops for Education”
16 No School for Students:  Work Day/PT Conference Day
16  Parent Teacher Conferences 12:20 - 7pm
18 Walking Wednesday
19 Parent Teacher Conferences 3:20 - 7pm
20 Fall Picture Retake

20 Field Trip 9am-11am Thompson Park Tree Trek. Please email if you can chaperone.
24 & 25 3rd Grade State of Ohio Reading Assessment
25 Walking Wednesday
26 Early Dismissal at 11:05
27 Halloween Parties & School wide Parade starting at 1:30 pm
31 Beggar’s Night 5:30-8 p.m. in UA

November 2017
1 Walking Wednesday
6 End of First Trimester
7 No School for Students:  Faculty In-service Day
8 Walking Wednesday
15 Walking Wednesday
21  Progress Reports go Home
21 Scarlet and Gray School Spirit Day
22-24 Thanksgiving Holiday

December 2017
21 Holiday Parties 2:00 pm
December 22-January 4 Winter Break

January 2018
5 No School for Students:  Teacher Workday/PD Day
8 School Resumes
15 No School for Staff or Students:  Martin Luther King’s Birthday
18 PT Conferences grade 1-5 (students are dismissed at 11:05)

February 2018
5  State of the Schools at UAHS 5-8 p.m.
5-9 Collection Days for “Box Tops for Education”
8 Third Grade Musical
11-14 Ohio Wildlife Center donation drive
14 Ohio Wildlife Center
19 No School Staff or Students:  Presidents’ Day
28 Early Release 1:00 (NO LIFT)

March 2018
5 Spring Pictures
9 End of Second Trimester
9 Invention Convention 10-10:30am in the Multipurpose Room/Cafeteria
12-16  Spring Break
19 No School for Students:  Teacher Grading Day
27 Progress Reports go Home
30  Good Friday:  No School for Students or Staff

April 2018
4  Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon at Windermere 11-12 in lounge

May 2018
April 30-May 4  Scholastic Book Fair
4 KidFest, 5-8 p.m.
8  NO School for students or certified staff - Ohio Primary Elections
21  Field Day
28 No School Staff:  Memorial Day
30  Last Day for Students
30 End of third trimester

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