Friday, April 25, 2014

Newsletter for April 25, 2014

Important Dates & Reminders
*I will try to highlight new dates and information with red text.

April 25, 2014: Kid Fest 5:00 till 8:00pm (Rain or shine!)

May 6, 2014: 3rd Grade Reading Ohio Achievement Assessment for all students. Please avoid appointments and absences.

May 7, 2014: 3rd Grade Mathematics Ohio Achievement Assessment for all students. Please avoid appointments and absences.

May 10, 2014: Windermere Wish Run for the Ugandan Water Project
You can register at

May 14, 2014: Early Release at 1:15 for professional development

May 26, 2014: No school: Memorial Day

June 2, 2014: Field Day

June 3, 2014: Field Day Rain Date

June 4, 2014: Last day for students

June 5, 2014: Teacher Grading Day

What We Learned This Week

Word Study
We studied verb tenses (past, present, and future) this week. Students learned how to determine the appropriate form of a verb using context clues. Students also learned generalizations for spelling the present and past tenses of verbs:
- Many verbs simply add -s to the end to become present tense (e.g., walk becomes walks).
- Verbs that add a syllable when they become present tense end in -es (e.g., crunch becomes crunches).- Present tense verbs ending in a consonant and -y change to -ies (e.g., fly becomes flies).
- Verbs ending in a short vowel sound and a consonant double the consonant for past and present tense (e.g., flip becomes flipped or flipping).
- Students studied many irregular past tense verbs (e.g., teach becomes taught).

Students reviewed contractions and the use of the apostrophe as a place holder for the missing letters when two words are combined. We composed contractions (e.g., can not becomes can't) and decomposed contractions (e.g., can't becomes can not).

We reviewed that synonyms mean "same" and antonyms mean "opposite." We rely on the rhyme between "synonym - same" and "antonym - opposite" as well as sign language to help us remember this. See if your student can share their respective signs. You can play Synonym Says with them or see if they can generate a longer list of synonyms and/or antonyms for common words such as "big" at the dinner table.

Students learned how to organize responses to non-fiction texts. It is a challenge for many third graders to provide two contrasts for a reading selection. If asked to provide to contrasts between cats and dogs, most students will list only one and provide both sides (e.g., cats live on land and fish live in the water) or they will list two contrasts, but only for one idea (e.g., cats live on land, fish have scales) without providing the other subject's contrasting point.

We are studying Brer Rabbit Tales and Aesop's Fables to develop the ability to determine the message or lesson implied in a fiction story, a primary purpose of folk tales.

We recently started reading The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. This dovetails nicely with our first fiction writings.


A tiny voice asked, "Is he the one?"
Students began writing their first fiction fantasy pieces. These are short single paragraphs that respond to a topic sentence and an image such as the one above. Fiction is much harder to write because the author must anticipate the reader's questions and fill in any gaps. Non-fiction narratives, persuasive essays, and research are more about organization as all of the information is potentially there. I'm using great images and text from Chris Van Allsburg's book, The Mysteries of Harris Burdick. These provide enough of a starting point for students but leave a lot to start with. We share our ideas and compare them to the stories that a host of well known authors have contributed to Van Allsburg's images.

We explored two step story problems. We began by determining all of the sixteen possible operations combinations we could have in a two step problem (I encourage students to use sum and difference instead of plus and minus):
sum sum, sum difference, sum multiplication, sum division
difference sum, difference difference, difference multiplication, difference division
multiplication sum, multiplication difference, multiplication multiplication, multiplication division
division sum, division difference, division multiplication, division division
I find this helps them to guess less often and really look at the questions closely to determine which two operations they need to do.

We concluded (but will continue to practice), multiplication strategies. Students are expected to have a strategy for any multiplication operation including a 0, 1, 2, 5, 9, or 10. Students should also understand that multiplication is simply addition of same size groups. They can rely on this understanding to quickly and mentally find products of factors of 3 and 6.
If a student knows 2 x 4 = 8
Then they can use the distributive property to solve 3 x 4 by breaking up the groups into two groups of 4 (which they know) and one more group of 4.
3 x 4 = (2 x 4) + (1 x 4)
I would actually use the specific language of, "Three groups of four can be redistributed into two groups of four and one group of four."
Likewise, an operation including a factor of 6 can be found using students' mastery of 5's.
6 x 8 = (5 x 8) + (1 x 8)

This can be extended to larger numbers.
28 x 6 = (20 x 6) + (8 x 6)
Students multiplying a single digit (e.g., 6 in the above example) by a multiple of ten (e.g., 20 in the above example) understand they use the basic fact (2 x 6 = 12) and then multiply by ten (20 x 6 = 120). This is far more complex than how most of today's adults learned multiplication, but it requires students deeply understand what they are doing, which supports catching errors, mental math, and problem solving. It will support them next year as well when they begin multi-digit multiplication.

Fractions are one of the key distinguishing mathematical concepts that support students identifying (or not identifying) as mathematicians. Because mastery is also dependent on knowing division, I like to return to fractions at the end of the year, once students have had time to develop multiplication and division fact fluency. For example, a student who knows their facts can quickly recognize that 3/12 is equivalent to 1/4, whereas the student who does not know them must labor through the process. We are currently placing fractions on a number line, focusing on determining how many "equal parts" (n) there are to the whole (the 1), labeling the 0 as 0/n, the 1 as n/n, and determining distances from one point to another on the number line. I'm really encouraged by students progress.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Newsletter for April 17, 2014

Important Dates & Reminders

*I will try to highlight new dates and information with red text.
April 18, 2014: No school

April 21, 22, and 23, 2014: Windermere Restaurant Nights at Panzera's. If you get carry-out pizza, 15% of sales will go to the Windermere PTO. Please note that only the Panzera's in UA (corner of Fairlington and Fishinger) will be participating. A flyer will come home on Monday.

April 22, 2014: Earth Day - To celebrate Earth Day at Windermere, we are going to try to reduce our lunch trash. There are three ways you and your family can help.
1. If students pack a lunch, use earth-friendly containers so plastic bags or other trash does not need to be thrown away.
2. We will recycle other items in addition to plastic milk containers that we usually recycle at lunch.
3. Compost! If students have an apple core, banana peel, or other fruit/vegetable that is not eaten at lunch, we will have a bin to compost those items.
4. Wear blue and green (Windermere and Earth colors)!
Our goal is to reduce the trash we produce at lunch so less of our lunch trash is going to a landfill. Our lunch trash weighed 79 pounds when we weighed it one day this week. Let's reduce our lunch trash in honor of Earth Day!

April 25, 2014: Kid Fest 5:00 till 8:00pm (Flyers were sent home today.)

May 6, 2014: 3rd Grade Reading Ohio Achievement Assessment for all students. Please avoid appointments and absences.

May 7, 2014: 3rd Grade Mathematics Ohio Achievement Assessment for all students. Please avoid appointments and absences.

May 10, 2014: Windermere Wish Run for the Ugandan Water Project

May 14, 2014: Early Release at 1:15 for professional development

May 26, 2014: No school: Memorial Day

June 2, 2014: Field Day

June 3, 2014: Field Day Rain Date

June 4, 2014: Last day for students

June 5, 2014: Teacher Grading Day

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Newsletter for April 11, 2014

Dear Families,

Enjoy the lovely weekend!

Important Dates & Reminders

*I will try to highlight new dates and information with red text.
I will be looking for volunteers for a final Tree Trek to Thompson Park as soon as flowers start to appear. Please let me know if you are tentatively interested.
Come on over after school with your student and try out the new playground our PTO provided!
April 14, 2014: 3rd quarter progress reports sent home. I will also send home students' end of quarter self-reflections. These are VERY hard to do accurately at this age, but I believe it is good to begin this level of self assessment and awareness early. I will or have already gone over these with your student to share my observations and assessments. Please review this with your student, sign it, and return. Thanks!

April 18, 2014: No school

April 25, 2014: Kid Fest 5:00 till 8:00pm (Flyers were sent home today.)

May 6, 2014: 3rd Grade Reading Ohio Achievement Assessment for all students. Please avoid appointments and absences.

May 7, 2014: 3rd Grade Mathematics Ohio Achievement Assessment for all students. Please avoid appointments and absences.

May 10, 2014: Windermere Wish Run for the Ugandan Water Project

May 14, 2014: Early Release at 1:15 for professional development

May 26, 2014: No school: Memorial Day

June 4, 2014: Last day for students

June 5, 2014: Teacher Grading Day

What We Learned This Week

Word Study
We studied parts of speech, specifically nouns (plural and singular), verbs, and adjectives. Students learned most nouns can be made plural by simply adding s. We also discussed exceptions, e.g., mouse = mice. Finally, we studied words ending in a consonant and a y (e.g., fly) and how we replace the y with ies.
We studied words ending in y that make a final long a, long e, or long i sound. Vocabulary and spelling were assessed and will be sent home on Monday.

Students further developed their ability to summarize what they read. We have moved to longer passages and are covering fiction and non-fiction. Fiction is being summarized by characters, setting, and sequence of events along with identifying a message or lesson. We are using folk tales to help us with this last step. Non-fiction summaries are being taught by restating the main idea of each paragraph of a short passage or each chapter for longer selections. Students are also learning to incorporate important vocabulary from non-fiction texts. Finally, we are working on making inferences based on evidence.

Students have been writing quite a lot in response to reading (see above) and began a persuasive essay on favorite pets. Students worked in small groups to further develop plans.

Our focus this week was representing and understanding addition of same sized groups as multiplication through equations ("number sentences") and arrays. Students solved the following types of problems:
- 4 + 4 + 4 = 3 x 4 (3 groups of 4)
- Represent arrays as multiplication equations
- Story problems represented as multiplication equations/number sentences
- Breaking arrays into equal groups
- Multiplication fact fluency (This is one area the entire class will need to develop. We are doing daily strategy lessons for multiplication and I'm teaching students that division facts are simply the opposite operation so they don't need to learn division if they master multiplication.)
- Division as multiplication
We are also working heavily on story problems. Many students fail to read questions carefully, a common third grade challenge. We are answering questions by stating the units of measure to help ensure we are actually answering the question asked.

Social Studies
We are studying regions of the US.