Sunday, December 16, 2012

Newsletter for December 16, 2012

The tragic events that took place Friday in Connecticut have hit every child, parent and educator very hard the world over. I will not be addressing this issue with the class as a whole, but will reply to individuals questions and fears. Many students will be aware of this issue and will be understandably sad, anxious, and worried that a similiar issue could happen at their school. We will have guidance counselors on hand to support students.

Here are Dr. Weaver's words from his Friday call out in case you did not receive it, "This is Superintendent of Schools Jeff Weaver reaching out to the families and staff of the Upper Arlington City School District in response to the tragic events associated with the elementary school shooting incident that transpired today in Newtown, Connecticut.
First, know that the safety and well-being of our students, staff and volunteers in our school buildings is our number one priority and our school counselors and staff stand ready to give comfort and assistance to the students, staff and families of our district if necessary or if requested. Please know that as our district works with law enforcement and safety forces we will use these tragic events to examine our policies and procedures to improve our practices to ensure the safety and well-being of those we are entrusted to protect. Our hearts and thoughts go out to those impacted by the tragic and unfortunate events of today. Thank you."

I would like to wish everyone a safe holiday season and winter break. With the recent tragedies, both local and distant, it is a good time to slow down and treasure our families. There will not be a newsletter next week.
Important Dates & Reminders

Our library days are: January 8, 24; February 7, 22; March 8, 22; April 16, 30; and May 14, 29.

December 21, 2012: Winter break classroom party (Please refer to earlier email re: volunteers.)
December 24, 2012 - January 4, 2013: No school
January 17, 2013: Family Fitness Night at Super Games
January 17, 2013: End of the second grading period
January 18, 2013: No school for students: Teacher grading day
January 21, 2013: No school in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 31, 2013: Early release @ 11:05 for conferences
February 13, 2013: Early dismissal at 1:15
February 18, 2013: No school in honor of Presidents' Day
March 23, 2013: Invention Convention at UAHS (more information coming in January)
April 29, 2013: Ohio Reading Achievement Assessments (all students will take)
April 30, 2013: Ohio Mathematics Achievement Assessment (all students will take)
May 11, 2013: Windermere Wish Run

What We Learned This Week

Word Study
- I can define ou and ow diphthongs as a glide from one vowel sound to another vowel sound.
- I can mark diphthongs with a d.
- I know that most English words use ou in the beginning or middle of a word.
- I know that most English words use ow at the end of a word.
- I can break words into syllables.
- I can mark open, closed and vce syllable types.

- I can determine research categories.
- I can differentiate between "note worthy" and non-note-worthy facts while researching.
- I can create a simple citation for any materials I use while researching.
- I can use context clues to comprehend unfamiliar words.
- I can use my time effectively to get my reading group job completed on time.
- I contribute to my reading group by being prepared.

- I can use the text to help me spell words correctly while taking notes.

- I can determine how many steps are involved in a story problem.
- I can represent a story problem using a picture (bar model, part-part-total model) or writing a number model.
I am working with a small group of students four days per week to reteach multi-digit addition, multi-digit subtraction, and story problem strategies.
Please see the new links "Extra Math" and "Sumdog" under favorite links to the right for at home practice. also offers free practice sheets.

- I can explain how water molecules bond tightly together.
- I can provide examples (bubbles, meniscus, detergent, floating paperclips, surface tension, clay vs. sand, etc.) of water molecules bonding tightly together.

Please click on the following information for learning keyboarding at home. I will provide your student with four weeks of daily keyboarding instruction using Type To Learn 4. The directions below allow your student to practice at home at no charge.

Student usernames and passwords were distributed earlier in the year. Please email me directly if your student needs their username and password.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Newsletter for December 9, 2012

Important Dates & Reminders

Our library days are: December 11; January 8, 24; February 7, 22; March 8, 22; April 16, 30; and May 14, 29.

December 10, 2012: Mr. Hudson is attending the conference, Mindfulness Toolkit for Kids and Teens
December 10 - 14, 2012: Frosty's Playground in physical education
December 21, 2012: Winter break classroom party
December 24, 2012 - January 4, 2013: No school
January 17, 2013: Family Fitness Night at Super Games
January 17, 2013: End of the second grading period
January 18, 2013: No school for students: Teacher grading day
January 21, 2013: No school in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 31, 2013: Early release @ 11:05 for conferences
February 13, 2013: Early dismissal at 1:15
February 18, 2013: No school in honor of Presidents' Day
March 23, 2013: Invention Convention at UAHS (more information coming in January)
April 29, 2013: Ohio Reading Achievement Assessments (all students will take)
April 30, 2013: Ohio Mathematics Achievement Assessment (all students will take)
May 11, 2013: Windermere Wish Run

What We Learned This Week

December 4, 2012: Visiting author
Word Study
- I can define oi and ou diphthongs as a glide from one vowel sound to another vowel sound.
- I can mark diphthongs with a d.
- I know that most English words use oi in the beginning or middle of a word.
- I know that most English words use oy at the end of a word.
- I can break words into syllables.
- I can mark open, closed and vce syllable types.

- I can make text to self connections using emotions.
- I can reread and read on to utilize context clues for figuring out unfamiliar words.
- I can use syllable types to help me sound out words in more meaningful "chunks," rather than letter by letter.
- I can respond to historical fiction by writing a journal entry in first person as the main character.

- I can plan, draft, revise and edit a friendly letter.
Please check your students' mail for the winter writing programs at the Thurber House. These are great and a rare opportunity for young writers to develop and share their craft.

- I can solve for the product of a factors of 9 using the "finger" strategy or the "one less than the other factor/sum to 9" strategy.
- I can represent story problems as bar models OR part-part-whole models.
- I can solve multi digit addition (sum) and subtraction (difference) problems up to ten-thousands, including money.
- I can write story problems that solve for a part or total.

Social Studies
- I can use a map key to find cities and land and water forms on a map.
- I can explain economics in terms of manufacturing (making), distributing (shipping) and consumption (buying or using) goods and services.
- I can explain opportunity costs as the cost of choices we make in terms of money, time, and other choices.
- I understand that scarcity impacts perceived opportunity costs.

- I can identify variables in a science experiment.
- I can manipulate or change one variable to see its impact on the outcome.
- I can make flubber:)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Important Dates & Reminders

Our library days are: December 11; January 8, 24; February 7, 22; March 8, 22; April 16, 30; and May 14, 29.

December 4, 2012: Visiting author
December 10 - 14, 2012: Frosty's Playground in physical education
December 21, 2012: Winter break classroom party
December 24, 2012 - January 4, 2013: No school
January 17, 2013: Family Fitness Night at Super Games (Note date change)
January 17, 2013: End of the second grading period
January 18, 2013: No school for students: Teacher grading day
January 21, 2013: No school in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 31, 2013: Early release @ 11:05 for conferences
February 13, 2013: Early dismissal at 1:15
February 18, 2013: No school in honor of Presidents' Day
March 23, 2013: Invention Convention at UAHS (more information coming in January)
April 29, 2013: Ohio Reading Achievement Assessments (all students will take)
April 30, 2013: Ohio Mathematics Achievement Assessment (all students will take)
May 11, 2013: Windermere Wish Run

Please see the note that was sent home on Thursday regarding our upcoming Economics study on opportunity cost. Brown bag items are due on Monday.

What We Learned This Week

Word Study
- I can identify and mark (long vowel sound and silent e) vowel-consonant-silent e syllables.
- I can spell words based on spelling generalizations, including syllable types.
- I can identify and mark open syllables (long vowels).
- I can identify and mark closed syllables (short vowels).
We do not have specific spelling words to memorize. Rather, we will study patterns and generalizations. Students' spelling assessments are scored as follows: one point for correct spelling of the word, one point for correct marking of the word's pattern or generalization.

- I can identify historical fiction (genre).
- I can respond to literature with journal entries in first-person and past-tense.
- I can compose topic sentences that introduce the topic of my paragraph.
- I can compose concluding sentences that imply emotion and/or summarize my paragraph's topic.
- I can incorporate rich vocabulary appropriately.

- I know the parts of a friendly letter and can demonstrate them kinesthetically.
- I know the writing process steps and can demonstrate them kinesthetically.
- I can plan a multi-paragraph friendly letter.
- I can compose topic sentences that introduce the topic of my paragraph.
- I can compose concluding sentences that imply emotion and/or summarize my paragraph's topic.
- I can reread and identify missing or awkward words, phrases and sentences.
- I can self edit for capitals at the beginning of sentences and proper nouns.
- I can self edit for ending punctuation.
- I can use a high frequency word list to spell words correctly.

- I can find the difference between two numbers up to the ten-thousands place.
- I can regroup.
- I can regroup (borrow) across zeroes.
- I can use bar models (or part-part-whole models) to represent story problems.
- I can identify key words in story problems.
- I can find the sum of two numbers up to the ten-thousands place.
- I can answer one digit summing, difference and multiplication facts within three seconds using a strategy. (Multiplication factors include: zeroes, ones, twos (doubles), fives, sixes, and tens.)
Students who missed more than two problems on this week's end of unit 4 assessment will work with me during afternoon recess at least three days a week until they are proficient in understanding and solving multi-digit difference problems. The most common error, despite a great deal of practice, which suggests it is developmental for some students, is subtracting the smallest digit from the largest digit, rather than subtracting the bottom number from the top number.

Social Studies
- I can explain the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government.
- I can identify classroom and community examples of the three branches of government.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Newsletter for November 11, 2012

Dear Families,

Important Dates & Reminders

Please send headphones to school for your student for use in the computer lab and for Type To Learn.

Our library days are: November 27; December 11; January 8, 24; February 7, 22; March 8, 22; April 16, 30; and May 14, 29.

November 21 - 23, 2012: No school
December 4, 2012: Visiting author
December 10 - 14, 2012: Frosty's Playground in physical education
December 21, 2012: Winter break classroom party
December 24, 2012 - January 4, 2013: No school
January 16, 2013: Family Fitness Night at Super Games
January 17, 2013: End of the second grading period
January 18, 2013: No school for students: Teacher grading day
January 21, 2013: No school in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 31, 2013: Early release @ 11:05 for conferences
February 13, 2013: Early dismissal at 1:15
February 18, 2013: No school in honor of Presidents' Day
March 23, 2013: Invention Convention at UAHS (more information coming in January)
April 29, 2013: Ohio Reading Achievement Assessments (all students will take)
April 30, 2013: Ohio Mathematics Achievement Assessment (all students will take)
May 11, 2013: Windermere Wish Run

What We Learned This Week

Word Study
- I can define closed syllables as ending with a consonant and open syllables as ending with a vowel.
- I know the vowel before the final consonant in a closed syllable has a short vowel sound.
- I know the vowel ending an open consonant has a long vowel sound.
- I can "mark" short vowel sounds with a breve and a long vowel sound with a macron.
- I can identify closed and open syllables in two syllable words and mark them appropriately.
- I know the short and long vowel sounds for a, e, i, o, u and y and can give examples.
* Based on the outcome of our spelling assessment, I am going to review open and closed syllables and their marking. These assessments should come home on Monday. I am delaying starting our first pattern or generalization study till after Thanksgiving so we can concentrate on this important content.

- I can state and explain all the parts of a summary: characters (who), setting (when and where), plot (what and why) with a beginning, middle, and end.
- I can identify the author's underlying message in fiction texts.
- I can use context clues to understand unfamiliar words.
- I can use the internet and paper based non-fiction texts to research a topic (European countries).

- I can explain the purpose of persuasive writing.
- I can write a topic sentence and a conclusion.
- I can support my topic with opinions and facts.
- I can include challenging vocabulary to strengthen my point.

- I can demonstrate multi-digit addition (summing) using language that shows I understand place, value and regrouping.
- I can multiply groups of zeros, ones, and twos (doubles) and fives fluently.

During conferences, I suggested playing dominoes at home to support number sense and fact fluency. I recommend playing with a double sixes (you can commonly purchase double sixes and double twelves) to start off. There is a seemingly endless number of dominoes games. I play a simplified version that your student should be able to teach you. These are the basic rules we use, which maximize math learning. Dominoes teaches summing, finding differences, subitizing (identifying values by dot array patterns), and countless math strategies.

1. Turn all dominoes face down and shuffle (move around).
2. Each player draws one domino face up and shares. Player with the highest total (sum) of pips (dot array) goes first. Return drawn dominoes to the bone yard (all face down dominoes/draw pile).
3. Each player draws five dominoes.
4. First player plays any domino from their hand face up in the middle of the table. If the ends sum to a multiple of five they score points equal to that multiple. Example: a 3/2 domino sums to five so the player would get one point. A 6/4 domino would sum to ten and the player would earn 2 points.
5. The next player to their left (clockwise rotation) goes next. They must add a domino that matches one of the halves (addend) of the domino. The sum changes to the ends (uncapped) dominoes. For example, if our first player plays the 3/2 domino the sum is five. If the second player plays a 2/7 domino, the new sum is 3 + 7 = 10 (and they score two points). If you start to run out of room you can add to the side of the domino, but you can still only sum the ends.
6. Doubles are played perpendicularly to the rest of the tiles. They are added to the sum. For example, if the first player plays a 3/2 and the second player plays the 2/2 the new sum is 3 + 2 + 2 = 7. Players cannot add onto the end of the double until it has been "capped" or played on perpendicularly on the other side by a matching pip (addend). At this point, when the domino is capped on both sides, it is no longer counted in the sum. If a domino is later played off of the ends of the double, the outer most pip (addend) is part of the sum.
7. If you cannot play a domino, draw from the bone yard/draw pile until you can play.
8. Play ends when one player runs out of tiles.

We concluded unit three, multi digit summing, on Friday. Students assessments have been marked and will be given back to them on Monday to make corrections. They will come home on Tuesday.

Social Studies
- I can name the largest countries in North America.
- I can trace the outline of North America.
- I can name the three oceans that border North America.
- I know that Greenland is part of North America, even though politically it is part of Europe.
- I know that Alaska is separated from the United States by Canada.

- I can log in to the server.
- I can save my work on the server.
- I can use Comic Life to organize and show what I learned during our field trip.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Newsletter for November 2, 2012

Dear Families,

Happy November!

My sincere thanks to all of the great room parents who worked together to throw such a great party. The kids had a wonderful time.

Progress reports were sent home (or mailed) today. Please refer to the conference schedule below.

Enjoy Daylight Savings, my favorite holiday, this weekend.

Important Dates & Reminders

Our library days are: November 8, 27; December 11; January 8, 24; February 7, 22; March 8, 22; April 16, 30; and May 14, 29.

November 6, 2012: The lunch schedule for Tuesday, November 6 will be altered due to Election Day activities in our multipurpose room. The cafeteria will offer a "Bag Lunch" only on this day. The lunch menu will be a five inch sub, fruit cup, carrot and celery sticks with ranch dressing and milk. The snack bar, extras and pizza will not be available on this day. Students with peanut allergies will eat in the teacher workroom. Please do not send nut or peanut products with your student on the 6th. I will be washing tables after students eat.

November 8, 2012: Early dismissal at 11:05.
November 21 - 23, 2012: No school
December 4, 2012: Visiting author
December 10 - 14, 2012: Frosty's Playground in physical education
December 21, 2012: Winter break classroom party
December 24, 2012 - January 4, 2013: No school

What We Learned This Week

- I can restate the purpose of each lesson and activity or I can ask, "Why did we do that? What was the point of the lesson?"
- I can ask for clarification, additional instruction or support when I do not understand or cannot demonstrate what we are doing in class.
- I can share specific learning areas that I am good at or improving in.
- I can set goals for improving in specific learning areas.

Word Study
- I can define syllables as "part of a word with a vowel in it."
- I can define closed syllables as ending with a consonant.
- I know the vowel before the final consonant in a closed syllable has a short vowel sound.
- I can "mark" short vowel sounds with a breve.
- I can identify closed syllables in two syllable words and mark the short vowel sounds.
- I know the short vowel sounds for a, e, i, o, and u and can give examples.
- I can log in to Type To Learn from my home computer.

- I can state and explain all the parts of a summary: characters (who), setting (when and where), plot (what and why) with a beginning, middle, and end.
- I can identify the author's underlying message in fiction texts.
- I can use context clues to understand unfamiliar words.

Having finished our historical fiction, City of Orphans, by Avi, we started our new read aloud, Barnaby Grimes: Curse of the Night Wolf, by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell, my favorite fantasy collaborators. 

- I can explain the purpose of persuasive writing.
- I can write a topic sentence and a conclusion.
- I can support my topic with opinions and facts.

- I can represent big numbers in word form.
- I can spell numbers to hundred thousands. (Students will be assessed next week.)
- I can demonstrate multi-digit addition (summing) using language that shows I understand place, value and regrouping.
- I can multiply groups of zeros, ones, and twos (doubles) fluently.

Social Studies
- I can name the four cardinal directions.
- I can find the title and map key of a map and explain what they mean.
- I can use a map key's scale to measure distances on a map.

- I can identify the herbs in prepared foods (oregano in marinara sauce, basil in pesto, and mint in ginger ale).
- I am willing to try new foods I grow.
- I can represent data on a graph and read it.
- I can use Comic Life to organize and show what I learned during our field trip (I hope to have these finished by conferences).

Friday, October 19, 2012

November Conference Schedule

Dear Families,

Please see your conference time below. I still have some families that have not confirmed a conference time. VERY IMPORTANT: When it is time for your conference, please knock and come in. Otherwise I may continue conferencing with the family already in the room and will assume you are not here. I want you to have your full time.

Monday, November 5, 2012
3:20-3:40  Howe
3:40-4:00 Gillum
4:00-4:20 Pool
4:20-4:40 Harper
4:40-5:00 Falk

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

3:20-3:40 Ford
3:40-4:20 Darr
4:20-4:40 Markworth
4:40-5:00 Steigerwald

Wednesday, November 7, 2012
3:20-3:40 Pathak
3:40-4:00 Hughes 
4:00-4:20 Forsyth
4:20-4:40 Beathler
4:40-5:00 Dunsizer

Thursday, November 8, 2012
12:00-12:20 Buchieri
12:20-12:40 Smith
12:40-1:00 Stummer
2:00-2:20 Goh-Johnson
2:40-3:00 Jack
3:00-3:20 Culp
3:20-3:40 Graver

Newsletter for October 19, 2012

Important Dates & Reminders

Our library days are: October 24; November 8, 27; December 11; January 8, 24; February 7, 22; March 8, 22; April 16, 30; and May 14, 29.

October 22, 2012 - No school, professional development day
October 24, 2012 - Picture Retakes
October 26, 2012 - End of the first quarter
October 29, 2012 - No school, teacher grading day
October 31, 2012 - Halloween party (NOTE CORRECTED TIME: extended lunch from 12pm till 1:15pm, Most students go home to change into costumes.)
November 6, 2012: Election day. Students eat in classrooms. Please do NOT send any peanut, tree nut or shellfish products.
November 8, 2012: Early dismissal at 11:05. 
November 21 - 23, 2012: No school
December 4, 2012: Visiting author
December 10 - 14, 2012: Frosty's Playground in physical education
December 21, 2012: Winter break classroom party
December 24, 2012 - January 4, 2013: No school 

Third Grade Guarantee - Please see the email sent today regarding this important new legislature. 

What We Learned This Week

- I can restate the purpose of each lesson and activity or I can ask, "Why did we do that? What was the point of the lesson?"
- I can ask for clarification, additional instruction or support when I do not understand or cannot demonstrate what we are doing in class.

Word Study
- I can define nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.
- I can give examples of nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.
- I can identify nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs in passages.

- I can state and explain all the parts of a summary: characters (who), setting (when and where), plot (what and why) with a beginning, middle, and end.
- I can identify the author's underlying message in fiction texts.
- I can use context clues to understand unfamiliar words.

- I can represent "big numbers" (numbers to 10,000's) in standard, word and expanded form.
- I can find the sum of two two-digit numbers by using place and value, preserving, or rounding and adjusting.
- I can find the difference between two two-digit numbers by counting up or preserving.
- I can round three digit numbers to the nearest ten or hundred.
- I can estimate by rounding to perform quick operations to check my work.
- I can play standard dominoes to develop my fact fluency, subitizing skills, and focus on multiples of 5's (and 10's).

Social Studies
- I can name the four cardinal directions.
- I can name the four intermediate directions (northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest).
- I can find the title and map key of a map and explain what they mean.
- I can use a map grid to locate objects and places.

- I can explain that geodes form from bubbles in igneous and sedimentary rock and that water seeping through the mineral rich rock forms the crystals in the space left by the bubble.
- I can compare and categorize plants based on their seeds (or no seeds) and roots.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Newsletter for October 12, 2012

Please note I am making a change in our blog's format based on feedback I have received. I will put important dates at the beginning of the blog and will significantly shorten and focus the "What We Learned" section. I hope these changes will still give you a good understanding of what we are doing in class. I am replacing the extensive "how" information with "I can..." statements. I strongly encourage you to ask your student to demonstrate their "I can..." statements. We will work towards mastery and it may take some time to reach the "I can..." statement, but students and parents alike will know the end goals.

Important Dates & Reminders

Our library days are: October 24; November 8, 27; December 11; January 8, 24; February 7, 22; March 8, 22; April 16, 30; and May 14, 29.

October 12, 2012 - Fall Family Night from 6pm till 8pm and Windermere Spirit Wear Sale
Fall Family Fun Night is just around the corner! By now, your child should have brought home several flyers detailing some of the wonderful opportunities at this event, including climbing on the inflatables, making s'mores, playing in the Hay Maze and more. This event cannot happen without the efforts of many volunteers, so please consider giving an hour or two of your time that night to help us put on another fabulous Windermere evening! Please visit our online sign up sheet by clicking (on the PTO link to the right) to volunteer! As always, thank you for your support of PTO and its programs! (Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend this year. I will be celebrating my son's birthday early by going to the How to Train Your Dragon extravaganza which unfortunately overlaps. I hope all can make it to Fall Family Fun Night. This is a spectacular event and I have many wonderful fall evening memories with my children at Fall Family Fun Night. It seems as though the PTO outdoes itself every year.)

October 22, 2012 - No school, professional development day

October 24, 2012 - Picture Retakes
October 26, 2012 - End of the first quarter
October 29, 2012 - No school, teacher grading day
October 31, 2012 - Halloween party (NOTE CORRECTED TIME: extended lunch from 12pm till 1:15pm, Most students go home to change into costumes.)
What We Learned This Week

Word Study
- We can define nouns (proper nouns, common nouns, plural nouns), verbs and adjectives.
- We can give examples of nouns (proper nouns, common nouns, plural nouns), verbs and adjectives.
- We can identify nouns (proper nouns, common nouns, plural nouns), verbs and adjectives in passages.

- We can summarize reading passages and stories.
- We can identify the main characters (who), setting (when and where), and plot (key "what" and "why" events from the beginning, middle and end).
- We can use context clues to understand unfamiliar words.

- We can take notes using the A B C's of note taking (abbreviate, bullet points, caveman speak).
- We can plan, draft, edit and publish friendly letters.
- We can state the parts of a friendly letter (heading, greeting, opening, body, closing, signature).
- We can indent (opening, body, closing) or not indent (heading, greeting, signature) the appropriate parts of a friendly letter.
I'm sending home your student's pen pal letter as they turned it in after planning, drafting, and editing with the changes I then asked them to do marked in red. Please review this, sign it and return on Monday. These are great letters and it's impressive that students are writing multiple paragraph letters so early in the year with as much independence as I've given them.

- We can add two digit numbers using any of three strategies: 10's and 1's, preserve a number and add its number bond, round and adjust.
- We can add and subtract all one digit numbers fluently.

Many thanks to all of our chaperons. We had a great earth sciences field trip to Highbanks.
- We know that small rocks come from larger rocks.
- We know that rocks are made of/composed of minerals.
- We know we can compare rocks by color, shape, hardness, and luster.
- We know the rock cycle is three processes can turn any kind of rock into a type of rock dictated by the process: extreme heat creates igneous rock, pressure creates metamorphic rock, erosion and weathering create sedimentary rock.
- We know soil can be composed of different materials.
- We know soil appears in different layers (humus, topsoil, subsoil, and parent material).
- We know the Earth is covered by different layers of rock: crust, mantel, and core.
- We know floods and glaciers move rocks and boulders.
- We know geologists study the Earth.

Social Studies
- We know globes are models of the Earth.
- We can list the seven continents.
- We know we live in the continent North America, the country United States of America, the state of Ohio, Franklin county and the city of Upper Arlington.
- We know the Earth is divided by an imaginary mid-line called the equator and that it is the warmest part of the planet because its rotation keeps it closest to the sun at all times.

Service Learning
Anastasia Peratopoulos, a former Windermere student and now eighth grader at Hastings, is fighting leukemia. She visited us and shared the 1,000 Letter Project with our school. Each member of our class wrote two support letters to two different young people with leukemia. I explained this was a form of blood cancer. Your students may have some questions for you.

Physical Education
- We can beat Mr. Hudson mercilessly at dodge ball. It looked a lot like that... brutal:)

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Newsletter for October 5, 2012

1st Quarterly Science Exchange
To encourage more scientists, I strongly feel students must have frequent hands-on experience. To support this goal, the 3rd grade team is committed to sponsoring quarterly science days where students visit all four 3rd grade classrooms. Each teachers presents a different science experiment which teaches different scientific processes, 21st century skills, and hopefully sparks an interest in science.

Our room hosted a study of the persistence of vision, or how the brain interprets the still images our eyes send to it. Like a flip book or film, our brain pieces together previous images and interprets them as motion. To model this we made thaumatropes. Here are a few below.


Mrs. McGuire's presented matter and chemical changes. Mrs. Adams presented pigment extraction. Mrs. Meyer presented structures and engineering. It is our sincere hope that students will try or demonstrate these experiments for you at home.

Important Dates & Reminders

Our library days are: October 9, 24; November 8, 27; December 11; January 8, 24; February 7, 22; March 8, 22; April 16, 30; and May 14, 29.

October 8 through 12, 2012 - PTO Book Fair

October 8, 2012 - Field trip to Highbanks Metropark
Please have your student:
- Wear shoes for hiking (no Crocs, sandals or flip flops please).
- Pack a sack lunch that can be thrown out or recycled (including drinks and tableware) with their name on it.
Chaperons should arrive no later than 8:15. We will depart promptly at 8:30.

October 12, 2012 - Fall Family Night from 6pm till 8pm and Windermere Spirit Wear Sale
October 22, 2012 - No school, professional development day
October 24, 2012 - Picture Retakes
October 26, 2012 - End of the first quarter
October 29, 2012 - No school, teacher grading day

October 31, 2012 - Halloween party (NOTE CORRECTED TIME: extended lunch from 12pm till 1:15pm, Most students go home to change into costumes.)

From the Windermere PTO

Fall Family Fun Night is just around the corner! By now, your child should have brought home several flyers detailing some of the wonderful opportunities at this event, including climbing on the inflatables, making s'mores, playing in the Hay Maze and more. This event cannot happen without the efforts of many volunteers, so please consider giving an hour or two of your time that night to help us put on another fabulous Windermere evening! Please visit our online signup sheet by clicking (on the PTO link to the right)  to volunteer! As always, thank you for your support of PTO and its programs!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Newsletter for September 28, 2012

What We Learned This Week

We studied genre this week. Students often have difficulty remembering that fiction is "fake" and non-fiction is "not fake." Science fiction and fantasy can both be confusing as well. I'm encouraging students to read multiple genres throughout the year.
As we approach the OAA I have emphasized that effort can have as much to do with how a student does as their reading skills. This test is long, two and a half hours. I've also been stressing perseverance and getting started strategies.

Poems for two voices has two poets work together to share verse.
We are nearly ready to publish our first pen pal letters. I am making students accountable for their editing (e.g., capitals and punctuation) and it's paying off. I had fewer errors in this writing than I've ever had.
I assessed the first unit and fact fluency today. I'll send these home for your review and signature next week. Please see the School to Home Connection below for an understanding of what we'll be studying in Unit 2. I am going to email Math in Focus' Extra Math Practice as pdf scans. These are all from Unit 1. All of these concepts should have been mastered during our study and are great additional practice for your student. Many families like additional practice, but by emailing them I won't over copy and you can use them whenever you see fit.

Important Dates & Reminders

Our library days are: October 9, 24; November 8, 27; December 11; January 8, 24; February 7, 22; March 8, 22; April 16, 30; and May 14, 29.

October 2, 2012 - Ohio Reading Achievement Assessment (Please avoid scheduling absences on this date). If you would like additional preparation materials, or just to get a better idea of the reading level expected for this assessment, please visit the Ohio Department of Education's website for practice tests:

October 3, 2012 - Walk To School Day

October 8 through 12, 2012 - PTO Book Fair

October 8, 2012 - Field trip to Highbanks Metropark
Please have your student:
- Wear shoes for hiking (no Crocs, sandals or flip flops please).
- Pack a sack lunch that can be thrown out or recycled (including drinks and tableware) with their name on it.
Chaperons should arrive no later than 8:15. We will depart promptly at 8:30.

October 12, 2012 - Fall Family Night from 6pm till 8pm and Windermere Spirit Wear Sale
October 22, 2012 - No school, professional development day
October 24, 2012 - Picture Retakes
October 26, 2012 - End of the first quarter
October 29, 2012 - No school, teacher grading day

October 31, 2012 - Halloween party (NOTE CORRECTED TIME: extended lunch from 12pm till 1:15pm, Most students go home to change into costumes.)

Einstein is assigned each week. If your student receives Einstein, please have them take a few photos with Einstein doing a favorite activity over the weekend and email them to be by Monday morning. Your student should write about their weekend and be prepared to share on Monday.