Saturday, July 30, 2016

Welcome to 3rd Grade 2016-2017

Dear Families,

Welcome to third grade! I am very excited to work and learn with your student this year. I hope you and your student have had a great summer. Please have your student bring a book on the first day of school they can start or continue reading. 

I look forward to seeing you at Parent Information/Curriculum Night on August 23rd from 4 till 5pm (note correction from welcome letters)

In the meantime, please feel free to contact me via email. 

A-E Schedule
UA schools operate on an A-E schedule, rather than a Monday through Friday schedule. Our class' schedule is as follows.

A Days: No specials 
B Days: Music and PE
C Days: Art
D Days: Library
E Days: Music and PE

Important Dates and Reminders
Testing dates are in bold. I will highlight changes and new dates in red.

August 16, K-5 Back to School Night/Ice Cream Social 4 - 5pm
August 17, First Day for Students/ Breakfast on the Green 7:45 AM
August 19 & 20, Elementary Device Distribution Hastings Middle School
August 22 - September 16 STAR Reading and Math Assessments
August 23 - Special Issue Election, students eat in the classroom (no nuts or peanuts please)
August 23, Parent Information/Curriculum Night 7 - 7:45pm
August 26 & 27, Elementary Device Distribution Hastings Middle School
August 31, New Parent Breakfast, Windermere Lounge 9am
August 31, Walking Wednesday

September 2 Windermere Way Community Day 2016               
September 4 Golden Bear BASH          
September 5 No School Students and Staff: Labor Day 
September 7 Walking Wednesday             
September 14 PTO Meeting 7pm in the lounge
September 14 Walking Wednesday
September 21 Walking Wednesday
September 22 Fall Picture Day 
September 28 Early Dismissal 1pm
September 28 Walking Wednesday

October 3-7 Scholastic Book Fair
October 5 Walking Wednesday
October 7 Fall Family Night 5 - 8pm
October 10 - 14 Boxtop Collection Days
October 12 Walking Wednesday
October 17 No School for Students: Parent/Teacher Conference Day (PM)
October 19 Walking Wednesday
October 21 Picture Retake Day
October 26 Walking Wednesday
October 26 Visiting Author Steve Harpster
October 27 Early Dismissal 1pm
October 31 Halloween Parties and Parade: 1:30pm
October 31 Trick or Treat Night

November 2 Walking Wednesday
November 8 No School for Students: (Voting Day) In-service Day for Teachers
November 9-10 Ohio 3rd Grade English Language Arts Assessment
November 9 Walking Wednesday
November 11 End of first Trimester
November 11 Global Ed Assembly
November 16 Walking Wednesday
November 22 Progress Reports Home Today
November 22 Scarlet and Gray Spirit Day
November 23-25   Thanksgiving Vacation

December 5-16 Gifted Identification Screener
December 20  Sing Along (1pm) & Holiday Parties (2pm)
December 21-January 2nd Winter Break

January 3 No School for Students: PD (AM) /Work Day (PM)
January 4-25 STAR Reading and Math Assessments 
January 4 School Resumes after Holiday Break 
January 10 Student Group Activities (e.g., Recycling Team, Orchestra, etc.)
January 13 Town Hall Meeting 12:30pm
January 16 No School for Students & Staff:  MLK Day
January 18 Interim Progress Reports Home Today
January 25 Parent/Teacher Conferences 
January 30 State of Schools at UAHS 5 - 8pm

February 6 - 10 Boxtop Collection Days
February 6 - March 31 Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment
February 20 No School for Students & Staff:  President's Day

March 1 Early Dismissal 1pm
March 9 3rd Grade Musical
March 10 Town Hall Meeting1:45 PM
March 10 End of second Trimester
March 13 - 17 Spring Break - No School 
March 20 No School for students - Teacher Workday 
March 28 Progress Reports Home Today  

April 5 - 6 Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment
April 5 Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon 
April 6 Spring Picture Day          
April 10 - April 28 STAR Reading and Math Assessments
April 12 - 15 Ohio Mathematics Assessment
April 14  No School for Staff & Students: Good Friday     
April 24 - 28 Scholastic Book Fair        
April 28  KID FEST 5 - 8pm

May 8 - 19 Terra Nova & Inview Gifted Screener
May 15 - 19 Diagnostic Writing Assessment
May 24 Field Day             
May 26 Town Hall Meeting 8:25am
May 26 Last Day for Students; End of third trimester     
May 26 Early Dismissal 1pm