Word Study
We continued our long and short o patterns: VVC (oa), CVV (ow), VCe, and VC/VCC. Students began working on contractions by constructing and deconstructing them. When constructing them we circle the letter(s) the apostrophe replaces in the original two words. Students know in most cases, we keep the entire first word. The apostrophe becomes a place holder for the missing letter(s).
Reading & Writing Workshop
Students are highlighting and taking notes on multiple articles and preparing to write an opinion piece that pulls supporting evidence from both of them. This is very rigorous and challenging, but I've been pleased with student work. I am modeling, but I am also using a lot of students' work. I want them to understand that highlighting, taking notes, and making a plan is individualized. No two will (or should) look the same. However, we can learn a lot from different models. We also discuss "Do you want to be finished or do you want to do your best?"
Students are getting much better at inferring, using evidence to support their answers.
We are getting deeper into our read aloud, Out of My Mind, and it is providing, like Wonder, many great opportunities for discussion.
Our pen pals received our letters finally and were thrilled. Apparently the British post is a little slower than what we are accustomed to. We should receive letters back prior to winter break.
Students were treated to a visit from author, and Windermere grandmother, Mrs. Constance McGeorge. She shared her writing process, the importance and reality of multiple drafts, and the importance of a story's perspective.
Mrs. McGeorge and her granddaughter, Maddy,
presented an autographed copy of Waltz of the Scarecrows,
from the author (and illustrator, Mrs. Mary Whyte).
Students began learning partial products for multiplication. While many can utilize the traditional algorithm for multi-digit multiplication, we introduce the partial products algorithm to support their understanding.
Students developed their understanding of the interdependence of ecosystem's food webs by taking on the role of a producer, consumer or decomposer and making a literal web.
Nearly 20 trees are marked to be cut down in the swamp area due to the ash borer.
I will highlight new and changed dates on subsequent posts in red.
November 25 through 27 - Thanksgiving Break
November 30 - December 10 - Student Council - Coat Drive. Please see the video link for more information. https://youtu.be/rWlwymYtQF0
December 1 through 2 - Ohio English Language Arts Assessment
December 21 through January 1 - Winter Break
January 8 - End of Second Quarter
January 11 - No School Teacher Grading Day
January 18 - No School Martin Luther King Day
January 21 - Conferences, Early Dismissal at 11:05, NO LUNCH SERVICE
January 27 - Early Dismissal Professional Development 1pm
February 1 through 16 - Ohio Wildlife Center donation drive
February 15 - No School Presidents' Day
February 16 - Ohio Wildlife Center Visit
March 2 - Early Dismissal Professional Development 1pm
March 18 - End of Third Quarter
March 21 through 25 - No School Spring Break
March 28 - No School Teacher Grading Day
April 6 - Early Dismissal Professional Development 1pm
April 12 and 13 - Ohio English Language Arts Assessment
April 20 and 21 - Ohio Mathematics Assessment
May 27 - Last Day of School for Students