Saturday, October 28, 2017

Newsletter for October 27, 2017

No newsletter this week - just important dates & reminders

Thank you party coordinators and volunteers!

October 2017
31 Trick-or-Treat 5:30-8 p.m. in UA

November 2017
1 Walking Wednesday
6 End of First Trimester
7 No School for Students:  Faculty In-service Day
21  Progress Reports available online
21 Scarlet and Gray School Spirit Day
22-24 Thanksgiving Holiday

December 2017
21 Holiday Parties 2:00 pm
December 22-January 4 Winter Break

January 2018
5 No School for Students:  Teacher Workday/PD Day
8 School Resumes
15 No School for Staff or Students:  Martin Luther King’s Birthday
18 PT Conferences grade 1-5 (students are dismissed at 11:05)

February 2018
5  State of the Schools at UAHS 5-8 p.m.
5-9 Collection Days for “Box Tops for Education”
8 Third Grade Musical
11-14 Ohio Wildlife Center donation drive
14 Ohio Wildlife Center
19 No School Staff or Students:  Presidents’ Day
28 Early Release 1:00 (NO LIFT)

March 2018
5 Spring Pictures
9 End of Second Trimester
9 Invention Convention 10-10:30am in the Multipurpose Room/Cafeteria
12-16  Spring Break
19 No School for Students:  Teacher Grading Day
27 Progress Reports available online
30  Good Friday:  No School for Students or Staff

April 2018
4  Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon at Windermere 11-12 in lounge

May 2018
April 30-May 4  Scholastic Book Fair
4 KidFest, 5-8 p.m.
8  NO School for students or certified staff - Ohio Primary Elections
21  Field Day
28 No School Staff:  Memorial Day
30  Last Day for Students

30 End of third trimester

Friday, October 20, 2017

Newsletter for October 20, 2017

What We Learned This Week

I truly enjoyed the opportunity to meet with all of my families. Please know that I am always happy to meet as the year progresses and it is never too soon to raise a concern or ask about progress. This is a wonderful class and I appreciate all of your support and work at home.

Word Study
We wrapped up our study of open, closed, and Vowel-Consonant-silent e syllable types. My emphasis has moved from segmenting and marking words in isolation to applying this skill to reading and writing.

We also concluded our study of plural nouns. Students should be able to apply this study to their writing and I will look for evidence in their writing.

I introduced apostrophes with possessive nouns. To help clear up some confusion with commas, I showed students apostrophes are also used for contractions. Possessive apostrophes are one of the easier and most consistent elements in grammar so we will move on quickly.

Reading Workshop
We continued our study of using the question in the answer, using the text for spelling, making predictions based on evidence, and determining facts versus opinions.

Having ended the Wild Robot, we started a realistic fiction classic, My Side of the Mountain, by Jean Craighead George

Writing Workshop
We are still working on opinion pieces. Students should be able to independently, or relying on anchor charts in the classroom, be able to produce a specific and brief title, concise topic sentence, support their opinion with evidence from the text, explain how evidence supports their opinion, and end with a strong conclusion.

For many students, learning this "formula" is challenging, but we are making progress. We can apply these elements to most of the writing we will do this year.  I am also pushing students to produce more writing in shorter time periods.

Math Workshop
I reviewed the associative property and introduced the distributive property for addition and multiplication. The associative property is employed to allow us to manipulate numbers so we can do mental math more easily.

Example: (5 + 2) + 3 = 5 + (2 + 3)

We move the parentheses so we can use a two-more strategy and then doubles as these two operations are easier for most students than the first scenario, which would be two-more and sums to ten strategies. The reminder strategy lies in the name associative. Which numbers associate with which numbers?

We use the distributive property to allow us to do mental math more easily as well.

Example: 6 x 24 = (6 x 4) + (6 x 20)

We are able to break the number 24 into 20 and 4 which allows us to do mental multiplication.

Both of these strategies work for addition and subtraction.

I introduced and we practiced our 7's, 8's and 9's strategy where we borrow from the smaller number to make ten and then add the remaining numeral to it. This strategy can be applied to more basic facts than any other strategy and thus it is very important.

Example: 7 + 5 =  (7 + 3) + 2 = 10 + 2 = 12

I will start introducing multiplication strategies in November.

We had another great walking field trip to Thompson Park. This time, with great cooperation from the weather, students focused on the physical changes they observed in their trees.

Important Dates & Reminders

Please make sure your student if fully charging their iPad each night, especially for next week's AIR test. Please do NOT make any updates to your student's iPad for any reason. It will lock them out and they will not be able to take the test on their device and we are woefully low on the number of backup devices we have access to since the entire district is testing at the same time.

I am not assigning any homework next week as I am asking the students to give me all of their effort on the AIR. That will also give them a little Halloween break as they head off to festivities.

October 2017
24 & 25 3rd Grade State of Ohio Reading Assessment
25 Walking Wednesday
26 Early Dismissal at 11:05
27 Halloween Parties & School Wide Parade starting at 1:30 pm
31 Trick-or-Treat 5:30-8 p.m. in UA

November 2017
1 Walking Wednesday
6 End of First Trimester
7 No School for Students:  Faculty In-service Day
8 Walking Wednesday
15 Walking Wednesday
21  Progress Reports go Home
21 Scarlet and Gray School Spirit Day
22-24 Thanksgiving Holiday

December 2017
21 Holiday Parties 2:00 pm
December 22-January 4 Winter Break

January 2018
5 No School for Students:  Teacher Workday/PD Day
8 School Resumes
15 No School for Staff or Students:  Martin Luther King’s Birthday
18 PT Conferences grade 1-5 (students are dismissed at 11:05)

February 2018
5  State of the Schools at UAHS 5-8 p.m.
5-9 Collection Days for “Box Tops for Education”
8 Third Grade Musical
11-14 Ohio Wildlife Center donation drive
14 Ohio Wildlife Center
19 No School Staff or Students:  Presidents’ Day
28 Early Release 1:00 (NO LIFT)

March 2018
5 Spring Pictures
9 End of Second Trimester
9 Invention Convention 10-10:30am in the Multipurpose Room/Cafeteria
12-16  Spring Break
19 No School for Students:  Teacher Grading Day
27 Progress Reports go Home
30  Good Friday:  No School for Students or Staff

April 2018
4  Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon at Windermere 11-12 in lounge

May 2018
April 30-May 4  Scholastic Book Fair
4 KidFest, 5-8 p.m.
8  NO School for students or certified staff - Ohio Primary Elections
21  Field Day
28 No School Staff:  Memorial Day
30  Last Day for Students

30 End of third trimester

Friday, October 13, 2017

Newsletter & Halloween Party Sign-Up

What We Learned This Week

Word Study
We continued our study of plural nouns. Students learned the first question to ask themselves is whether or not to add a syllable. If we add a syllable when we make the noun plural, we simply add an -es (e.g., lunch > lunches). If not, we have to look for two exceptions to simply adding -s (e.g., dog > dogs). If we see -f/-fe we drop the -f/-fe and replace it with -ves (e.g., calf > calves). If we see a -consonant y, we drop the y and add -ies (e.g., bunny > bunnies).

We are continuing to segment and mark open, closed, and VCe syllable types. I have recently seen an improvement in applying these isolated practices to reading and writing!

Reading Workshop
We are working on predictions and supporting them with evidence. We are working on crafting responses using the question in the answer. I am also insisting students use the text for spelling. If the word is in the text they are responding to, they cannot misspell it.

Writing Workshop
We wrote our first opinion pieces this week and I saw a great improvement in writing overall, especially in production, both on paper and on iPads. Students must write an informative title, start with a succinct topic sentence that does not get into evidence, use at least three points of evidence from the source text they are responding to, explain how their evidence supports their opinion, and end with a strong conclusion. Without explaining how their evidence supports their opinion, their writing is just a retelling or summary.

We finished publishing our pen pal letters and we received our letters from Oman!

Math Workshop
We continued with our deep dive into multiplication. We can express addition of same sized groups as a multiplication expression, as well as groups and arrays. We are now introducing story problems that students have to write as a multiplication expression. We won't begin learning multiplication fact strategies until November at the earliest. I don't want to overload them with addition, subtraction and multiplication strategies. We will discuss fact fluency during conferences, but if your student has mastered their addition facts they should focus on subtraction as the reciprocal operation of addition, relying on their strength in addition to develop subtraction, rather than learning all their subtraction facts as unique facts. They can also rely on fact family triangles.

If your student has mastered both addition and subtraction they can start at home on multiplication.

I'm insisting they use the terms sum, difference, and product.

We began using fact triangle white boards to solve addition and subtraction problems with missing addends and written in non-tradtional order (e.g., ? + 28 = 52, 38 = 58 - ?, ? - 42 = 78, etc.).

Social Studies
Rachel Hopkin took time away from her Ph.D. work in folklore at The Ohio State University to share her experiences with Australian aboriginals. It is critical to me that we study cultures beyond the surface symbols (e.g., dingos and didgeridoos). Ms. Hopkin talked about Australia's complicated history of colonization and its lasting impact on the aboriginal people.

Town Hall Meeting 
We shared our Tree Trek Books at the Town Hall meeting.

Important Dates & Reminders

October 2017
16 No School for Students:  Work Day/Parent-Teacher Conference Day
16  Parent-Teacher Conferences 12:20 - 7pm
18 Walking Wednesday
20 Fall Picture Retakes
20 Field Trip 9am-11am Thompson Park Tree Trek. Please email if you can chaperone.
24 & 25 3rd Grade State of Ohio Reading Assessment
25 Walking Wednesday
26 Early Dismissal at 11:05

Hello 3rd Grade Parents!
Halloween is almost here and we've been working hard to plan an amazing Harvest Party for your kiddos which will take place on Friday, Oct. 27th
 from 2:00-2:40.
Below is the sign-up genius link where you can sign-up to volunteer at the party and/or donate supplies. Please have all supplies sent in to your classroom by Friday, Oct. 20th (unless otherwise noted). If you choose to donate one of the food items, please bring in the specific brand noted on the sign-up to be sure the food is safe for all of our kiddos.

Thank you so much for your help… this party couldn't be a success without you!
Excited to party with our 3rd Graders!
Your Room Parents

27 Halloween Parties & School Wide Parade starting at 1:30 pm
31 Trick-or-Treat 5:30-8 p.m. in UA

November 2017
1 Walking Wednesday
6 End of First Trimester
7 No School for Students:  Faculty In-service Day
8 Walking Wednesday
15 Walking Wednesday
21  Progress Reports go Home
21 Scarlet and Gray School Spirit Day
22-24 Thanksgiving Holiday

December 2017
21 Holiday Parties 2:00 pm
December 22-January 4 Winter Break

January 2018
5 No School for Students:  Teacher Workday/PD Day
8 School Resumes
15 No School for Staff or Students:  Martin Luther King’s Birthday
18 PT Conferences grade 1-5 (students are dismissed at 11:05)

February 2018
5  State of the Schools at UAHS 5-8 p.m.
5-9 Collection Days for “Box Tops for Education”
8 Third Grade Musical
11-14 Ohio Wildlife Center donation drive
14 Ohio Wildlife Center
19 No School Staff or Students:  Presidents’ Day
28 Early Release 1:00 (NO LIFT)

March 2018
5 Spring Pictures
9 End of Second Trimester
9 Invention Convention 10-10:30am in the Multipurpose Room/Cafeteria
12-16  Spring Break
19 No School for Students:  Teacher Grading Day
27 Progress Reports go Home
30  Good Friday:  No School for Students or Staff

April 2018
4  Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon at Windermere 11-12 in lounge

May 2018
April 30-May 4  Scholastic Book Fair
4 KidFest, 5-8 p.m.
8  NO School for students or certified staff - Ohio Primary Elections
21  Field Day
28 No School Staff:  Memorial Day
30  Last Day for Students

30 End of third trimester

Friday, October 6, 2017

Newsletter for October 6, 2017

What We Learned This Week

Word Study
We are now breaking and labeling three syllable types (open, closed, VCe) in multisyllabic words. My emphasis is on hearing the vowel sounds, learning where to segment words and applying our developing phonemic awareness to reading and writing. When reading an unfamiliar word, students should try long and short sounds and use context clues along with the beginning phoneme to figure out words. When writing, they should listen to the vowel sounds (long or short) and try writing the word. Their memories are stronger than they realize and they often recognize which of their attempts is correct.

We continued our plural noun study by introducing singular nouns that end in -f and -fe. We should know that we add -es if we add a syllable (e.g., lunch > lunches) and we change -f and -fe to -ves (e.g., knife > knives).

We are learning to use the question in the answer with short passages. I have students use the question as a sentence starter before we even look at the passage (e.g., When does the story take place? > The story takes place...). We are also working on predictions and supporting them with evidence. 

Students published their pen pal letters this week. This was a taxing exercise for them, but helps develop familiarity with the keyboard and provides many learning opportunities (e.g., tab and return keys, leaving spaces after punctuation, etc.). I have commented on half of them and will finish the rest over the weekend. I'm very pleased with their production and content. 

I introduced responding to text, a focus of third grade English Language Arts. Students are writing opinion pieces that begin with a clear topic sentence, supporting their opinion with evidence from the text and ending with a strong conclusion. We are removing unnecessary words that muddy our writing (e.g., that) and are learning we do not begin sentences with because. The greatest opportunity for growth is in explaining how the evidence supports our opinion (e.g., Laura Ingalls Wilder's childhood was happy because she would fall asleep listening to her pa play fiddle. I love falling asleep to the happy sounds of my family.). We are able to bring in a little background knowledge, but have to begin with the text. Production varies greatly from student to student here. I will be pushing reluctant writers to produce a great deal more. 

We began multiplication this week and it is going swimmingly! I'm really thrilled with the class' understanding and believe the time we spent strengthening our numeracy and addition/subtraction fluency really supports this new content. I define multiplication as efficient addition of same sized groups. Students are able to read an addition expression (e.g., 4 + 4 + 4) and represent it as a multiplication expression (e.g., 3 x 4), read it as a number of same sized groups (e.g., three groups of four) and represent the expression as an array. 

I use the term expression with students to mean any operation. However, it is important that students can express multiplication as numbers of groups instead of saying times. Also, they should know the answer to an addition expression is the sum; the answer to a subtraction expression is the difference; and the answer to a multiplication expression is the product

I also introduced division as the sharing of the whole into equal groups. Students are breaking arrays 

Students should still be working on addition and subtraction facts. We will begin learning strategies for multiplication and division facts and associated fact fluency in a few months.

Homework Update
Please make sure your student is reading five out of seven nights a week. You and your student can choose which days. This should simplify things and give you a break on busy nights. Thank you.

October 2017
11 Walking Wednesday
9-13 Collection Days for “Box Tops for Education”
16 No School for Students:  Work Day/Parent-Teacher Conference Day
16  Parent-Teacher Conferences 12:20 - 7pm
18 Walking Wednesday
20 Fall Picture Retakes
20 Field Trip 9am-11am Thompson Park Tree Trek. Please email if you can chaperone.
24 & 25 3rd Grade State of Ohio Reading Assessment
25 Walking Wednesday
26 Early Dismissal at 11:05
27 Halloween Parties & School Wide Parade starting at 1:30 pm
31 Trick-or-Treat 5:30-8 p.m. in UA

November 2017
1 Walking Wednesday
6 End of First Trimester
7 No School for Students:  Faculty In-service Day
8 Walking Wednesday
15 Walking Wednesday
21  Progress Reports go Home
21 Scarlet and Gray School Spirit Day
22-24 Thanksgiving Holiday

December 2017
21 Holiday Parties 2:00 pm
December 22-January 4 Winter Break

January 2018
5 No School for Students:  Teacher Workday/PD Day
8 School Resumes
15 No School for Staff or Students:  Martin Luther King’s Birthday
18 PT Conferences grade 1-5 (students are dismissed at 11:05)

February 2018
5  State of the Schools at UAHS 5-8 p.m.
5-9 Collection Days for “Box Tops for Education”
8 Third Grade Musical
11-14 Ohio Wildlife Center donation drive
14 Ohio Wildlife Center
19 No School Staff or Students:  Presidents’ Day
28 Early Release 1:00 (NO LIFT)

March 2018
5 Spring Pictures
9 End of Second Trimester
9 Invention Convention 10-10:30am in the Multipurpose Room/Cafeteria
12-16  Spring Break
19 No School for Students:  Teacher Grading Day
27 Progress Reports go Home
30  Good Friday:  No School for Students or Staff

April 2018
4  Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon at Windermere 11-12 in lounge

May 2018
April 30-May 4  Scholastic Book Fair
4 KidFest, 5-8 p.m.
8  NO School for students or certified staff - Ohio Primary Elections
21  Field Day
28 No School Staff:  Memorial Day
30  Last Day for Students

30 End of third trimester