Sunday, April 3, 2011

Important Dates

Our class is collecting aluminum drink tabs for Ronald McDonald House. Please send them throughout the remainder of the year. Thank you.

We are also collecting plastic bottle caps. Please rinse and dry them before sending them in.

Please send your student to school with their ukulele on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Our final field trip of the year is scheduled for May 24th. Please let me know if you would like to volunteer. It will be an all day trip led by Mrs. Chisholm, our art teacher. We will be going to the Columbus Museum of Art and using their studio space. We will also visit the downtown branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library.

April - Windermere student art on display at UA Board of Education
April 1 - End of third grading period
April 4 - No school for students, educator grading day
April 7 - Mr. Hudson at Wickliffe for literacy in-service
April 12 - Progress reports sent home
April 12 through 15 - Terra Nova and In View (standardized enrichment assessment) Please try to avoid any doctor's appointments or other absences
April 16 - Invention Convention at UA High School (
April 18 - ***Date change*** 3rd Grade Musical Performance, "It's Easy Being Green," at 7pm
April 18 through 24 - NO TV week
April 22 - No school, Good Friday
April 25 - Ohio Reading Achievement Assessment retakes for students who did not pass in fall only
April 26 - Ohio Mathematics Achievement Assessment (scores back late spring) Please try to avoid any doctor's appointments or other absences
April 29 - PTO Kidsfest from 5pm-8pm (ukulele in silent auction)