Monday, February 20, 2012

Newsletter for February 20, 2012

Happy Presidents' Day!
Short newsletter this week...

There will be no new spelling this week. We will have no school on Monday and Tuesday morning we will be on our field trip. We will work on grammar and parts of speech this week.

Field trip reminder: We will go to the Kelton House on Tuesday, Februrary 21st to learn about the Underground Railroad and People In Societies.
- Please pack a sack lunch for your student. We should return to Windermere by 11:30, but if we are late and the cafeteria is closed, students will not have food. 
- Please make sure your student comes in comfortable walking shoes. In the past, some students have dressed up for field trips and have worn shoes that were uncomfortable or impractical.
- Chaperons: Please plan to be in the classroom by 8:45. This will allow time to introduce you and students to each other for your groups. Chaperons are expected to ride the bus unless we have made previous arrangements. Thank you in advance for a wonderful field trip.
My sincere appreciation to everyone for their generous donations to the Ohio Wildlife Center (OWC). Students had a great "party" and were introduced to several indigenous Ohio animals including a groundhog, a turtle, a brown bat, a kestrel, and a screech owl. The OWC educator talked about human impact, defense mechanisms, and habitat, all part of our spring life science unit.

We will be voting on four possible charitable organizations next week for the spring Windermere Wish Run fundraiser. Please take a moment to discuss these organizations and whether or not your family has a meaningful connection to any:
- Breathing Association
- My Orphans
- National Coalition for Homeless Veterans
- Smile Train

Important Dates & Reminders

February 21 - Field trip to Kelton House for Underground Railroad tour. Visit for more information.
March 6 - Election day. Students will eat in the room. I will show an educational film on insects. Please pack a sack lunch. From Mr. Scarpitti, "Attention Parents: Primary Election Day is March 6th.  Students will be eating in their classrooms. Please do not place any peanut products in your child's lunch on that day."
March 16 through 25 - Spring Break
March 29 - End of third grading period
March 30 - No school - Teacher grading day
April  - No school - Good Friday
April 9 - Progress reports sent home
April 11 - Early dismissal at 1:15
April 21 - Invention Convention at UA High School (more information coming)
April Assessment Dates - Please do not schedule appointments and trips on these dates if possible.
April 2-5 - Terra Nova and InView
April 30 - Ohio Reading Achievement Retakes (only for students who did not pass in fall)
May 1 - Ohio Mathematics Achievement Assessment

I was honored to have Mackenzie Haines and her family visit my two man band, Canned Goods, at the North Market this past weekend. Next time Mackenzie will have to join us on stage. Thanks Mackenzie!