Friday, September 13, 2013

Math Resources

Dear Families,

I will be sending home two flyers for online math resources. These are intended for the family who wants additional math to either challenge or reinforce concepts for their student.


XtraMath flyers will have a student user name and password. You will need to follow these steps.

Go to XtraMath by typing in your browser. Once there you will see a page that looks like this.

Click on the "Enroll" link on the right side of the screen (enlarged below).

You will be taken to the following page. To enroll your student you will have to provide XtraMath with a parent's email account and enrollment code. Your student's unique enrollment code is at the bottom of their flyer. 

Once you have enrolled your student, they can begin exploring the site. It will start your student with fact fluency practice.

Think Central

Think Central is a resource for the district's chosen math program, Math in Focus. Your student can access the library section to print off workbook pages for additional math practice. 

Login at 

Choose Ohio, Upper Arlington, Windermere and type in your student's user name and password (on their Think Central flyer).

Once you are logged in, go to the My Library section.

Click on the Math in Focus Workbook, G3.

Your student should not work ahead of the curriculum. Most students are ready for Chapters 1 & 2. I will try to update periodically as we progress through the standards. If you have questions regarding how far your student should work, just send me an email. Too, there are a few questions which may be confusing as they are unique to the prescribed approach in Math in Focus. I suggest steering clear of these. If your student is confused, please have them bring the paper in and I will help them.