Monday, May 30, 2011


Dear Families,
Some brief, but important updates...
Please send ukuleles every day this week.
We desperately need more Field Days volunteers on Monday, June 6th. Depending on the weather I may only have us participate in the morning session. The plans are to have us outside all day, but I'm worried if we have a hot day about keeping kids healthy. I know they will be disappointed, but I'm reserving the option to have them come in the second half of the day. Hopefully we'll get a cooler or cloudy day. Please send water bottles, clothes that can get wet, a change of clothes and lots of sunscreen. Please apply sunscreen before school and we can reapply as needed during the day. Hats are fine as well.
Please have your student wear blue or black pants for the ukulele performances (denim is fine). We should be getting our shirts Tuesday morning. If so, I'll send them home that day.
Please send all library materials to school.
Please let me know if you are interested in helping to decorate our ukulele orchestra float on July 3rd and if your student can ride and strum with us on July 4th. More information will follow as I'm updated.