Sunday, October 2, 2011

Field Trip

Our field trip is fast approaching. On Wednesday, October 26th, we will go to Highbanks Metro Park all day for an earth science field trip.

Please let me know if you can chaperon.

Please send your student with a sack lunch and drink that can be thrown out or recycled.

We will be in the woods and I expect we will have cool temperatures and some mud. Please send your child in layers that can be zipped or buttoned to allow them to warm up or cool off. They should wear good walking shoes that can get dirty as well. Chaperons are encouraged to bring cameras, but students should NOT. They will be busy with their hands.

If we have a light mist, we will still go. If it is raining, we will unfortunately have to cancel the trip. We may be able to make it up in the spring. Please do NOT send umbrellas.