Sunday, October 2, 2011


October 28th Schedule

8:15 Classroom activities
12:00 Dismissal for extended lunch (grades 1-5 until 1:15)
1:15 Students return from lunch dressed in their costumes and report to their classrooms for attendance
1:30 Parade around Windermere School (parade route begins in back of the school on the playground and proceeds around the south end of the building on the sidewalk) October 31st: No School for Students (Teacher Grading Day)
2:00 Parties in classrooms
2:50 Dismissal

From Mr. Scarpitti: "Windermere's Halloween parade and parties will be held on Friday, October 28th. The daily schedule for students and staff will be modified on Friday, October 28th to accommodate our annual Halloween parade and parties. On this day, children are encouraged to go home or to a friend's/relative's house for lunch and change into their costumes. However, for students who desire to stay at school for lunch on that day, the cafeteria will be open for those who have packed a lunch or wish to buy one (school pizza will be served). Adults will be available to help these children change into their costumes." "Please remember this day is merely a time to dress up in costumes and have fun for those children who choose to participate. Costumes should neither be excessively frightening nor gory. Also, by the Superintendent's directive, no weapon or facsimile of a weapon is permitted on school grounds, thus should not be a part of a costume."

I ask that no one wear any costume that marginalizes, regardless of intent, any economic group, culture or country (no "hobos," Rap artists, ethnic groups, etc.). Thank you for your support!

October 31st: Beggar's Night from 6:00 to 8:00.

Also from Mr. Scarpitti and PTO: "PTO Fall Family Fest is October 7th. An exciting new feature is the display of scarecrows and jack-o-lanterns that day. Each classroom (including morning and afternoon kindergarten classes) will take their kids out to the scarecrow display to view them on October 7th. The scarecrows and pumpkins will be lined along the stop drop and go Windermere side. (jack-o-lantern's will be placed there the morning of the festival, scarecrows will be placed there the night before). Each scarecrow and pumpkin will be numbered for voting. Teachers will parade the children past the scarecrows/pumpkins and then will return to their classrooms for voting (including teachers/assistants votes). Mrs. Holt will email a picture of the pumpkins/scarecrows along with the numbers associated to each one for the teachers to display on their overhead to help remind everyone which scarecrows/pumpkins were there for judging. The teachers will take a tally in their classrooms of all the scarecrows/pumpkins and then forward the tallies to Kirsten Bradley ( who will determine the winners are for both 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place of scarecrows and pumpkins. Winners will be announced that night at Fall Fest."

Click to enlarge.