Sunday, September 23, 2012

Friday Science

I try to provide students with a weekly hands on science lesson where we practice varied scientific and 21st Century skills: engineering, data collection, hypothesis development, analysis, collaboration, perseverance, etc. Creating hands on experience is critical to student learning and fostering an interest in science. This week we replicated the Apollo 13 lateral thinking scene by building a structure and using only verbal communication to have a partner replicate it.

(Click on the link to view video.)

Student success varied, but the learning was very evident. Students learned that communicators need to be clear, use precise language, ask questions, and be good listeners. Here are a few examples of student partner attempts.

Partner A                                    Partner B
Very close, missing only the middle vertical block.


One can see where there was confusion in communication.

Another great success.

One can see how close this team was and how they learned how specific they need to be.