Friday, September 28, 2012

Newsletter for September 28, 2012

What We Learned This Week

We studied genre this week. Students often have difficulty remembering that fiction is "fake" and non-fiction is "not fake." Science fiction and fantasy can both be confusing as well. I'm encouraging students to read multiple genres throughout the year.
As we approach the OAA I have emphasized that effort can have as much to do with how a student does as their reading skills. This test is long, two and a half hours. I've also been stressing perseverance and getting started strategies.

Poems for two voices has two poets work together to share verse.
We are nearly ready to publish our first pen pal letters. I am making students accountable for their editing (e.g., capitals and punctuation) and it's paying off. I had fewer errors in this writing than I've ever had.
I assessed the first unit and fact fluency today. I'll send these home for your review and signature next week. Please see the School to Home Connection below for an understanding of what we'll be studying in Unit 2. I am going to email Math in Focus' Extra Math Practice as pdf scans. These are all from Unit 1. All of these concepts should have been mastered during our study and are great additional practice for your student. Many families like additional practice, but by emailing them I won't over copy and you can use them whenever you see fit.

Important Dates & Reminders

Our library days are: October 9, 24; November 8, 27; December 11; January 8, 24; February 7, 22; March 8, 22; April 16, 30; and May 14, 29.

October 2, 2012 - Ohio Reading Achievement Assessment (Please avoid scheduling absences on this date). If you would like additional preparation materials, or just to get a better idea of the reading level expected for this assessment, please visit the Ohio Department of Education's website for practice tests:

October 3, 2012 - Walk To School Day

October 8 through 12, 2012 - PTO Book Fair

October 8, 2012 - Field trip to Highbanks Metropark
Please have your student:
- Wear shoes for hiking (no Crocs, sandals or flip flops please).
- Pack a sack lunch that can be thrown out or recycled (including drinks and tableware) with their name on it.
Chaperons should arrive no later than 8:15. We will depart promptly at 8:30.

October 12, 2012 - Fall Family Night from 6pm till 8pm and Windermere Spirit Wear Sale
October 22, 2012 - No school, professional development day
October 24, 2012 - Picture Retakes
October 26, 2012 - End of the first quarter
October 29, 2012 - No school, teacher grading day

October 31, 2012 - Halloween party (NOTE CORRECTED TIME: extended lunch from 12pm till 1:15pm, Most students go home to change into costumes.)

Einstein is assigned each week. If your student receives Einstein, please have them take a few photos with Einstein doing a favorite activity over the weekend and email them to be by Monday morning. Your student should write about their weekend and be prepared to share on Monday.