Saturday, December 1, 2012

Important Dates & Reminders

Our library days are: December 11; January 8, 24; February 7, 22; March 8, 22; April 16, 30; and May 14, 29.

December 4, 2012: Visiting author
December 10 - 14, 2012: Frosty's Playground in physical education
December 21, 2012: Winter break classroom party
December 24, 2012 - January 4, 2013: No school
January 17, 2013: Family Fitness Night at Super Games (Note date change)
January 17, 2013: End of the second grading period
January 18, 2013: No school for students: Teacher grading day
January 21, 2013: No school in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 31, 2013: Early release @ 11:05 for conferences
February 13, 2013: Early dismissal at 1:15
February 18, 2013: No school in honor of Presidents' Day
March 23, 2013: Invention Convention at UAHS (more information coming in January)
April 29, 2013: Ohio Reading Achievement Assessments (all students will take)
April 30, 2013: Ohio Mathematics Achievement Assessment (all students will take)
May 11, 2013: Windermere Wish Run

Please see the note that was sent home on Thursday regarding our upcoming Economics study on opportunity cost. Brown bag items are due on Monday.

What We Learned This Week

Word Study
- I can identify and mark (long vowel sound and silent e) vowel-consonant-silent e syllables.
- I can spell words based on spelling generalizations, including syllable types.
- I can identify and mark open syllables (long vowels).
- I can identify and mark closed syllables (short vowels).
We do not have specific spelling words to memorize. Rather, we will study patterns and generalizations. Students' spelling assessments are scored as follows: one point for correct spelling of the word, one point for correct marking of the word's pattern or generalization.

- I can identify historical fiction (genre).
- I can respond to literature with journal entries in first-person and past-tense.
- I can compose topic sentences that introduce the topic of my paragraph.
- I can compose concluding sentences that imply emotion and/or summarize my paragraph's topic.
- I can incorporate rich vocabulary appropriately.

- I know the parts of a friendly letter and can demonstrate them kinesthetically.
- I know the writing process steps and can demonstrate them kinesthetically.
- I can plan a multi-paragraph friendly letter.
- I can compose topic sentences that introduce the topic of my paragraph.
- I can compose concluding sentences that imply emotion and/or summarize my paragraph's topic.
- I can reread and identify missing or awkward words, phrases and sentences.
- I can self edit for capitals at the beginning of sentences and proper nouns.
- I can self edit for ending punctuation.
- I can use a high frequency word list to spell words correctly.

- I can find the difference between two numbers up to the ten-thousands place.
- I can regroup.
- I can regroup (borrow) across zeroes.
- I can use bar models (or part-part-whole models) to represent story problems.
- I can identify key words in story problems.
- I can find the sum of two numbers up to the ten-thousands place.
- I can answer one digit summing, difference and multiplication facts within three seconds using a strategy. (Multiplication factors include: zeroes, ones, twos (doubles), fives, sixes, and tens.)
Students who missed more than two problems on this week's end of unit 4 assessment will work with me during afternoon recess at least three days a week until they are proficient in understanding and solving multi-digit difference problems. The most common error, despite a great deal of practice, which suggests it is developmental for some students, is subtracting the smallest digit from the largest digit, rather than subtracting the bottom number from the top number.

Social Studies
- I can explain the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government.
- I can identify classroom and community examples of the three branches of government.