Our library days are: December 11; January 8, 24; February 7, 22; March 8, 22; April 16, 30; and May 14, 29.
December 10, 2012: Mr. Hudson is attending the conference, Mindfulness Toolkit for Kids and Teens
December 10 - 14, 2012: Frosty's Playground in physical education
December 21, 2012: Winter break classroom party
December 24, 2012 - January 4, 2013: No school
January 17, 2013: Family Fitness Night at Super Games
January 17, 2013: End of the second grading period
January 18, 2013: No school for students: Teacher grading day
January 21, 2013: No school in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 31, 2013: Early release @ 11:05 for conferences
February 13, 2013: Early dismissal at 1:15
February 18, 2013: No school in honor of Presidents' Day
March 23, 2013: Invention Convention at UAHS (more information coming in January)
April 29, 2013: Ohio Reading Achievement Assessments (all students will take)
April 30, 2013: Ohio Mathematics Achievement Assessment (all students will take)
May 11, 2013: Windermere Wish Run
What We Learned This Week
December 4, 2012: Visiting author
Word Study
- I can define oi and ou diphthongs as a glide from one vowel sound to another vowel sound.
- I can mark diphthongs with a d.
- I know that most English words use oi in the beginning or middle of a word.
- I know that most English words use oy at the end of a word.
- I can break words into syllables.
- I can mark open, closed and vce syllable types.
- I can make text to self connections using emotions.
- I can reread and read on to utilize context clues for figuring out unfamiliar words.
- I can use syllable types to help me sound out words in more meaningful "chunks," rather than letter by letter.
- I can respond to historical fiction by writing a journal entry in first person as the main character.
- I can plan, draft, revise and edit a friendly letter.
Please check your students' mail for the winter writing programs at the Thurber House. These are great and a rare opportunity for young writers to develop and share their craft.
- I can solve for the product of a factors of 9 using the "finger" strategy or the "one less than the other factor/sum to 9" strategy.
- I can represent story problems as bar models OR part-part-whole models.
- I can solve multi digit addition (sum) and subtraction (difference) problems up to ten-thousands, including money.
- I can write story problems that solve for a part or total.
Social Studies
- I can use a map key to find cities and land and water forms on a map.
- I can explain economics in terms of manufacturing (making), distributing (shipping) and consumption (buying or using) goods and services.
- I can explain opportunity costs as the cost of choices we make in terms of money, time, and other choices.
- I understand that scarcity impacts perceived opportunity costs.
- I can identify variables in a science experiment.
- I can manipulate or change one variable to see its impact on the outcome.
- I can make flubber:)